Windows installer

By default, the installer will bring you to the graphical user interface unless you use the /i /quiet options, calling it from command line.

GLPI-Agent-1.11-x64.msi /quiet SERVER=<URL>


msiexec /i GLPI-Agent-1.11-x64.msi /quiet SERVER=<URL>

All options can be defined in several places; the last taking precedence on all others:

  • default values,

  • values from the current GLPI Agent installation,

  • values from the command line,

  • values from the graphical installer.


When using command line parameters, you should keep in mind:

  • parameters beggining with a slash are indeed msiexec.exe options,

  • an equal sign is always required for other parameters: TAG=prod,

  • options names are case-sensitive,

  • options values are not case-sensitive, unless specified,

  • the equal sign must not be preceded or followed with a space character: LOCAL = C:\temp is incorrect,

  • if a value contains a space, it must be surrounded with single ' or double quotes ",

  • if you want to set a empty value, put an empty string (LOCAL= or LOCAL="").


Don't use PowerShell as commandline interpreter: it changes some environment context the installer doesn't handle well.

Command line parameters


Specify this is a normal installation. This is indeed a msiexec.exe option.

When used with msiexec.exe, it must be used just before the MSI package path.


Silent installation. This is indeed a msiexec.exe option. (By default: No)


Adds GLPI Agent to the Windows Firewall exception list. (By default: 0 for No)

ADDITIONAL_CONTENT=filename (needs MSI installer >= 1.3)

Specifies an XML file whose content will be automatically merged with output. If inventory format is JSON, you can also specify a JSON file from which content base node will be merged. (By default: empty)


This parameter permits to select features to install. (By default: empty string)

The feature can take the following values:

  • ALL: All included tasks are selected for installation

  • feat_AGENT: to restrict to the minimum installation with agent and Inventory task

  • feat_NETINV: to select NetDiscovery and NetInventory tasks for installation

  • feat_DEPLOY: to select Deploy task for installation

  • feat_COLLECT: to select Collect task for installation

  • feat_WOL: to select WakeOnLan task for installation

The base feature is feat_AGENT which is always selected and includes Inventory task. Since v1.8, no other task is selected by default.

AGENTMONITOR=1 (needs MSI installer >= v1.5)

Install Glpi-AgentMonitor (See GLPI-Agent Monitor project).

Only applicable if GLPI-Agent is installed as a service (i.e. EXECMODE=1).

AGENTMONITOR_NEWTICKET_SCREENSHOT=0|1 (needs MSI installer >= v1.11)

Sets Glpi-AgentMonitor flag to enable or not automatic screenshot on new ticket request. (By default: 1)

Only applicable if GLPI-Agent is installed as a service and Glpi-AgentMonitor installed (i.e. EXECMODE=1 and AGENTMONITOR=1).

AGENTMONITOR_NEWTICKET_URL=URL (needs MSI installer >= v1.8)

Sets Glpi-AgentMonitor URL for new ticket feature. (By default: empty string)

You only need to set this URL if the Glpi-AgentMonitor guessed one is not the expected one.

Only applicable if GLPI-Agent is installed as a service and Glpi-AgentMonitor installed (i.e. EXECMODE=1 and AGENTMONITOR=1).


Timeout for task Inventory modules execution. (By default: 180 seconds)

It is also used as based timeout for RemoteInventory timeouts computation. You may experience datas loss during RemoteInventory task if this value is too short.


Absolute path to the standard certificate directory of certificate authorities (CA). (By default: empty)

The use of this parameter is incompatible with the use of the CA_CERT_FILE parameter. The CA_CERT_DIR and CA_CERT_FILE parameters are mutually exclusive.

A standard certificate directory must contain the certificate files corresponding to different certificate authorities in Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) format, and their names must correspond to the hash value of the certificate's subject field, with extension .0.

For example, if you want to include the certificate file FICert_Class1.crt in the directory pathname, you must calculate the hash value of the certificate's subject field using, for example, OpenSSL

C:\> openssl.exe x509 -in C:\FICert_Class1.crt -subject_hash -noout

and afterwards, move or copy the certificate file to the directory pathname with the name b760f1ce.0.

move.exe C:\FICert_Class1.crt pathname\b760f1ce.0

Full path to the certificates file of certification authorities (CA). (By default: empty)

The use of this parameter is incompatible with the use of the CA_CERT_DIR parameter. The CA_CERT_DIR and CA_CERT_FILE parameters are mutually exclusive.

filename must have extension .pem (Privacy Enhanced Mail) and can contain one or more certificates of certificate authorities. To concatenate multiple certificate files into one file you can make use, for example, of the command copy.

copy.exe FICert_Class1.crt+FICert_Class2.crt FICerts.pem

Sets the debug level of the agent. (By default: 0)

level can take one of the following values:

  • 0: Debug off

  • 1: Normal debug

  • 2: Full debug


Sets an initial delay before first contact with a remote destination (see SERVER). This delay is calculated at random between limit/2 and limit seconds. (Default: 3600 seconds)

This parameter is ignored for remote destinations after the first contact with each one, in favor of the specific server parameter (PROLOG_FREQ or Contact expiration).

The DELAYTIME parameter comes into play only if GLPI Agent runs in server mode (see EXECMODE).


Sets the agent execution mode. (By default: 1)

mode can take one of the following values:

  • 1 for Service: The agent runs as a Windows Service (always running)

  • 2 for Task: The agent runs as a Windows Task (runs at intervals)

  • 3 for Manual: The agent doesn't run automatically (no Service, no Task)

The mode Service is known also as server mode.

The mode Task is only available on Windows XP (or higher) and Windows Server 2003 (or higher) operative systems.

FULL_INVENTORY_POSTPONE=value (needs MSI installer >= v1.8)

Sets the expected number of full inventory postpone. (By default: 14)

See full-inventory-postpone configuration for more details.


Save the inventory as HTML instead of XML or JSON. (By default: 0 for No)

The HTML parameter comes into play only if you have also indicated a value for the LOCAL parameter.


IP address by which the embedded web server should listen. (By default:


IP port by which the embedded web server should listen. (By default: 62354)


Trusted IP addresses that do not require authentication token by the integrated web server. (By default:

ip is an IP address in dot-decimal notation (ex. "") or in CIDR notation (ex. "")

range is an IP address range in dot-decimal notation (ex. " -" or " + 255") or in CIDR notation (ex. "")

hostname is the name of a host (ex. "")

Keep in mind that HTTPD_TRUST does not have to include the hostname part of those URIs that are set up in SERVER because they are tacitly included. The following is an example, both configurations are equal:

... HTTPD_TRUST="," \
... HTTPD_TRUST="" \

Sets the installation base directory of the agent. (By default: C:\Program Files\GLPI-Agent)

pathname must be an absolute path.

JSON=0 (needs MSI installer >= 1.3)

Don't save the local inventory as JSON instead of XML. (By default: 1 for Yes)

The JSON parameter comes into play only if you have also indicated a value for the LOCAL parameter.


Contact server only if the server expiration delay has been reached. (By default: 1)

This option is only used if you set EXECMODE=2 to use Windows Task scheduling.

LISTEN=1 (needs MSI installer >= 1.3)

Force agent to always listen for requests on httpd interface, even when no target is defined with server or local option. (By default: 0 for No)

Very useful in combination with Inventory Server plugin.


Writes the results of tasks execution into the given directory. (By default: empty)

You must indicate an absolute pathname or an empty string (""). If you indicate an empty string, the results of tasks execution will not be written locally.

You can use the LOCAL and SERVER options simultaneously.


Writes log messages into the file filename. (By default: C:\Program Files\GLPI-Agent\logs\glpi-agent.log)

You must indicate a full path in filename. The LOGFILE parameter comes into play only if you have also indicated file as a value of the LOGGER parameter, which is the default.


Sets the maximum size of logfile (see LOGFILE) to size in MBytes. (By default: 4 MBytes)


Sets the logger backends. (By default: file)

backend can take any of the following values:

  • file: Sends the log messages to a file (see LOGFILE)

  • stderr: Sends the log messages to the console


Do not inventory the indicated categories of elements. (By default: empty)

category can take any value listed by the following command:

"C:\Program Files\GLPI-Agent\glpi-agent" --list-categories
NO_COMPRESSION=1 (needs MSI installer >= 1.3)

Disable compression when exchanging informations with GLPI Server. (By default: 0)


Disables the embedded web server. (By default: 0)


Do not use peer to peer to download files. (By default: 0)


Do not check server certificate. (By default: 0)


Disables the given tasks. (By default: empty)

task can take any of the following values:

  • Deploy: Task Deploy

  • ESX: Task ESX

  • Inventory: Task Inventory

  • NetDiscovery: Task NetDiscovery

  • NetInventory: Task NetInventory

  • WakeOnLan: Task WakeOnLan

If you indicate an empty string (""), all tasks will be executed.

OAUTH_CLIENT_ID=id (needs MSI installer >= v1.10)

Specifies the GLPI OAuth2 client ID for server authentication.


OAuth2 authentication support in GLPI for inventory submission is planned to be release with next GLPI major release, GLPI 11. The feature can be tested with GLPI main version nightly builds.

OAuth clients credentials have to be created in the dedicated Configuration panel in GLPI 11 and greater with "Client credentials" as Grants value and "inventory" as Scope value.

OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET=secret (needs MSI installer >= v1.10)

Specifies the GLPI OAuth2 client secret for server authentication.


Uses password as password for server authentication. (By default: empty)

The PASSWORD comes into play only if you have also indicated a value for the SERVER parameter.


Uses URI as HTTP/S proxy server. (By default: empty)


Don't ask for detailed configurations during graphical install. (By default: 0)


Use this option only in the case you need to change the agent configuration using the same installer. (Not used by default)

REMOTE=remote:definition (needs MSI installer >= 1.3)

Specify a remote inventory definition to be used by Remote inventory task. (By default: empty)

REMOTE_WORKERS=max (needs MSI installer >= v1.5)

Set the maximum number of remote inventory to process at the same time. (By default: 1)


Launches the agent immediately after its installation. (By default: 0)


Allows the agent to scan home directories for virtual machines. (By default: 0)


Allows the agent to scan softwares installed in users profiles. (By default: 0)


Sends results of tasks execution to given servers. (By default: empty)

If you indicate an empty string (""), the results of tasks execution will not be written remotely.

You can use the SERVER and LOCAL parameters simultaneously.

SNMP_RETRIES=max (needs MSI installer >= v1.9)

Set the maximum number of time a SNMP request could be retried again on no device response. (By default: 0)

Only used by NetDiscovery and NetInventory tasks.

SSL_CERT_FILE=filename (needs MSI installer >= 1.3)

Specifies the file containing SSL client certificate to use when connecting to server target or for WinRM remote inventory. (By default: empty)

SSL_FINGERPRINT=fingerprint (needs MSI installer >= 1.3)

Specifies the fingerprint of the ssl server certificate to trust.

The fingerprint to use can be retrieved in agent log by temporarily enabling no-ssl-check option.

SSL_KEYSTORE=[none|key[,key[,...]]] (needs MSI installer >= 1.11)

Can be used to disable keystore if set to none.

Specifies a comma-separated list of Keystore stores. See ssl-keystore for possible key values and explanation.


Marks the computer with the tag tag . (By default: empty)


Plan tasks in the given order. (By default: empty)

Not listed tasks won't be planned during a run, unless ,... is specified at the end.

task can take any of the following values:

  • Deploy: Task Deploy

  • ESX: Task ESX

  • Inventory: Task Inventory

  • NetDiscovery: Task NetDiscovery

  • NetInventory: Task NetInventory

  • WakeOnLan: Task WakeOnLan

If you indicate an empty string (""), all tasks will be executed. If you indicate ,... at the end, all not listed tasks will be added in any order. You can indicate a task more than one time if this makes sens.


Daily task schedule modifier. (By default: 1 day)

modifier can take values between 1 and 365, both included.

The TASK_DAILY_MODIFIER parameter comes into play only if you have also indicated daily as value of the TASK_FREQUENCY option.


Frequency for task schedule. (By default: hourly)

frequency can take any of the following values:

  • minute: At minute intervals (see TASK_MINUTE_MODIFIER parameter)

  • hourly: At hour intervals (see TASK_HOURLY_MODIFIER parameter)

  • daily: At day intervals (see TASK_DAILY_MODIFIER parameter)


Hourly task schedule modifier. (By default: 1 hour)

modifier can take values between 1 and 23, both included.

The TASK_HOURLY_MODIFIER parameter comes into play only if you have also indicated hourly as value of the TASK_FREQUENCY parameter.


Minute task schedule modifier. (By default: 15 minutes)

modifier can take the any value from 1 to 1439.

The TASK_MINUTE_MODIFIER parameter comes into play only if you have also indicated minute as value of the TASK_FREQUENCY parameter.


Sets the limit time (in seconds) to connect with the server. (By default: 180 seconds)

The TIMEOUT parameter comes into play only if you have also indicated a value for the SERVER parameter.


Uses user as user for server authentication. (By default: empty)

The USER parameter comes into play only if you have also indicated a value for the SERVER parameter.


Sets the vardir base directory of the agent. (By default: C:\Program Files\GLPI-Agent\var)

This parameter can be used when the agent is installed in a shared storage.

pathname must be an absolute path.