

The 'agent' sub command can only be used toward GLPI agent with Inventory Server Plugin enabled.


glpi-remote - A tool to scan, manage and initialize virtual remote agents


glpi-remote [options] [--server server|--local path] [command] [command options]

  -h --help           this menu
  -t --timeout <SECS> requests timeout in seconds (defaults to 10)
  -p --port <LIST>    remote ports list to scan (defaults to '22,5985,5986')
  --ssh               connect using SSH
  --ssl               connect using SSL (winrm or with agent sub-command)
  --no-ssl-check      do not check agent SSL certificate (winrm or agent sub-command)
  --ca-cert-dir <PATH> CA certificates directory
  --ca-cert-file <FILE> CA certificates file (winrm or for agent sub-command)
  --ssl-fingerprint <FINGERPRINT>
                      Trust server certificate if its SSL fingerprint matches the given one
  --ssl-cert-file     Client certificate file (winrm)
  -u --user           authentication user
  -P --password       authentication password
  -X --show-passwords (list command) show password as they are masked by default
  -c --credentials    credentials list for scan
  -v --verbose        verbose mode
  --debug             debug mode
  -C --no-check       don't check given remote is alive when adding
  -i --inventory      don't register remotes, but run inventory on found remotes
  -T --threads <NUM>  number of threads while scanning (defaults to 1)
  -A --add            add scanned remotes to target so they always be inventoried
                      by RemoteInventory task
  -U --useragent      set used HTTP User-Agent for requests
  --vardir <PATH>     use specified path as storage folder for agent persistent datas

Target definition options:
  -s --server=<URI>   agent will send tasks result to that server
  -l --local=<PATH>   agent will write tasks results locally
  --target=<TARGETID> use target identified by its id (see list targets command)

Remote GLPI agent having inventory server plugin enabled options:
  -b --baseurl <PATH> remote base url if not /inventory
  -K --token <TOKEN>  token as shared secret
  -I --id <ID>        request id to identify requests in agent log
  --no-compression    ask to not compress sent XML inventories

  list [targets]      list known remotes or targets
  add <url>+          add remote with given URL list
  del[ete] <index|deviceid>+
                      delete remote with given list index or given deviceid or
                      current known one when alone or all remotes while using
                      __ALL__ as id
  scan <first> [last] [TODO] scan given ip range for remote access or just <first> and
                      register it/them as remote agent
  agent [hosts]       remotely claim an inventory to given remote hosts with a
                      GLPI agent having inventory server plugin enabled

Supported environment variables:

  glpi-remote list
  glpi-remote list targets
  glpi-remote add ssh://admin:pass@
  glpi-remote add ssh://admin:pass@ --no-check
  glpi-remote add winrm://admin:pass@ --no-check --target server0
  glpi-remote delete 1
  glpi-remote scan
  glpi-remote scan --inventory -s https://myglpi/
  glpi-remote scan --inventory -l /var/tmp/remotes
  glpi-remote scan --inventory
  glpi-remote scan | glpi-injector -url https://myglpi/

Examples for agent command:
  glpi-remote -T strong-shared-secret agent
  glpi-remote -v -T strong-shared-secret agent | \
      glpi-injector -url https://myglpi/
  glpi-remote -T strong-shared-secret -d /var/remote agent


The glpi-remote tool is used to manage virtual agents known locally by glpi-agent. A virtual agent is used to make remote inventories and is essentially defined by a remote access. A remote access can be defined by ssh authorization for unix/linux platforms or WinRM authorizations for a WinRM enabled platform like win32.


Most of the options are available in a short form and a long form. For example, the two lines below are all equivalent:

% glpi-agent -s localhost
% glpi-agent --server localhost

Target definition options

-s, --server=URI

Send the results of tasks execution to given server.

Multiple values can be specified, using comma as a separator.

-l, --local=PATH

Write the results of tasks execution locally.


Use the given TARGETID to look for the expected target for result submission.

For example, server0 is the first server target setup in agent configuration.


  • target option is generaly mandatory while adding remote or scanning for remotes

  • if one server and only one is still setup in the agent it will be selected as default target

  • when scanning and making inventory, uses any target option or each inventory will be sent to standard output

General options

-t, --timeout=SECS

Set the timeout for network requests (defaults to 10 seconds).

-p, --port=LIST

A list of ports used when making a scan and to discover remote computers. The defaults is to scan the standard ssh port and winrm ports: 22,5985,5986.


Use ssh protocol for connection.


Use SSL protocol for connecting with WinRM protocol or to a remote agent with inventory server plugin enabled.


CA certificates directory.


CA certificates file.


SSL certificate file for authentication


Do not check server SSL certificate.

-u USER, --user=USER

Use USER for remote authentication.

-P, --password=PASSWORD

Use PASSWORD for remote authentication.

-X, show-passwords

By default, list sub-command won't show remotes passwords. This option asks to unmask them during remotes listing.

-c, --credentials=LIST

List of credentials to try during a scan.

-v, --verbose

Enable verbose mode.


Turn the debug mode on. You can use the parameter up to 2 times in a row to increase the verbosity (e.g: --debug --debug).

-C, --no-check

Don't check remote is alive while adding it.

-i, --inventory

Don't register remotes as they are discovered but just run the inventory task on them.

-T, --threads=NUM

Setup number of threads while doing a scan. By default, the agent only uses one thread.

-A, --add

Add discovered remotes to local remotes list.

-U, --useragent=USER-AGENT

Define HTTP user agent for request (mostly if required for winrm).

agent sub-command options

-b, --baseurl=PATH

Remote base url if the default /inventory has been changed in the remote plugin configuration.

-K, --token=TOKEN

Shared secret required to request an inventory to the remote plugin.

-I, <--id>=ID

Request-ID to identify the request in the agent log.


Ask to skip requested inventory compression.


  • list [targets]

    list known remotes or list targets

  • add url+

    add remote with given URL list

  • del[ete] index|deviceid+

    Delete remote with given:

    • list index

    • given deviceid

    • current and only one known when no index is given

    • all known remotes while using the __ALL__ magic word as index

  • scan first [last]

    TODO: This sub-command is still not implemented.

    Scan given ip range for remote access or just first and register it/them as remote agent

  • agent [hosts]

    Remotely claim an inventory to given remote hosts with a GLPI agent having inventory server plugin enabled.

    See online documentation for details:

Environment variables

For security reasons, you can set few environment variables to store sensible datas.

  • USERNAME to setup connection user

  • PASSWORD to setup connection password

  • PORT to setup connection port


  • CA_CERT_FILE to setup the SSL CA certificate file

  • SSL_CERT_FILE to setup the SSL client certificate file

  • CREDENTIALS to setup a list of credentials