ToolBox interface

ToolBox is a simple HTTP user interface allowing to use some features when no GLPI server is available.


ToolBox is not intended to replace a plugin like GlpiInventory or FusionInventory for GLPI plugin but can be helpful where these can't be used for any reason.

ToolBox is firstly a GLPI-Agent tool permitting to run netdiscovery and netinventory tasks over an isolated network using a simple HTTP interface. It allows you to setup SNMP credentials, IP Range and run tasks.

Run tasks results are stored in the agent environment and you can show them in on dedicated pages to make checks.

Some MIB-Support rules can also be applied to tune the results as the tasks are run.

The tool can also be used to review and update inventory with custom fields which can be setup using a YAML file exported from GLPI Fields plugin.


Since GLPI Agent 1.5, ToolBox also permits to manage Remote inventory task by defining and updating remotes. It can also be used to expire remotes and require a remoteinventory task start to handle any expired remotes right now. The interface is really basic: it doens't show the status of a remote and you'll still have to audit your agent log if some remotes are failing to upload an inventory in GLPI.


By default, this plugin is disabled. The first step is to enable it creating a dedicated configuration:

  1. Locate the toolbox-plugin.cfg file under the GLPI agent configuration folder [1],

  2. Make a copy of this file in the same folder by just changing the file extension from .cfg to .local.

  3. Edit the toolbox-plugin.local and set disabled to no

This way, the agent will start to accept toolbox request on its current port and on /toolbox as base url.


As the only current security is a "by trusted IP address" filtering, you should not enable ToolBox on an unsecure network. Anyway, since GLPI Agent 1.5, you can enable Basic Authentication Server Plugin and SSL Server Plugin to completely secure the ToolBox interface.

By default and for security reasons, you only have a very restricted interface this way.

To be able to enable all ToolBox features, you also need to edit the toolbox.yaml file and add the following lines:

  updating_support: yes

After you have restarted GLPI-Agent service, you'll see you can edit everything under setup page clicking on the top right gear icon.

The first thing you'll want to enable is probably all ToolBox navigation bar entries.


There are few files used to configure ToolBox:
  • toolbox-plugin.cfg: This file permits to setup the GLPI-Agent plugin integration

  • toolbox.yaml: This YAML file will contains a configuration section to tune your ToolBox experience but it will also be updated with all the datas you'll provide to ToolBox including sensible datas like SNMP credentials. So keep in mind this file MUST be secured as much as possible. A container can also be setup to support Custom Fields but you can also just copy the file downloaded from GLPI Fields plugin and select it in the dedicated Custom fields YAML file entry in configuration page.
